

Hello there!

The Blog

NickyLivingmore.com aims to inform and educate in the areas of project management and environmental sustainability.

On topics of project management the blog aims to take a more personal than technical approach. As much as we are surrounded by plans, tools and softwares in this world, its the people and how to deal with them makes or breaks a project manager.

On topics of environmental sustainability the blog takes a fact-based and practical approach to sustainable living and solutions. At times it also exposes the fakers and celebrates the change-makers in environmentalism. The blog aims to reach both younger impressionable audience and the more refined adult audience with different approaches.

I hope to equip and inspire you to live a more conscious, informed lifestyle, bring some clarity to the pretty confusing world that ethical living can sometimes be, and tell stories that you’ll enjoy reading.

The Creator

My name is Nitika Bhardwaj and you can also call me Nicky, I’m a proud Indian woman living in Bangkok & working as a project manager and blogger. I originally became an engineer (as most Indians are) before completing an MBA in Innovation and Technology in Japan. That's where the seed of working in environmentalism was planted in me. For 8 years I worked in tech and in 2018 I conquered my fear and let go of my societal expectations, moved to Myanmar and started my journey in working in education and awareness of single-use plastic pollution, sustainable and conscious living.

If you would like to work together, email me at nitikabhardwaj@gmail.com

My complete professional experience can be found here.

I love reading in my spare time. These days I am consuming a lot of self improvement books and my latest favorite is Deep work by Cal Newport. I urge you to give this book a go. It definitely has changed the way I work and improved my productivity immensely.

To forget about life's challenges and get in some activity in my weekends, you will probably find me at a Basketball court. I have played since school and it is one of those things that helps me feel happy and strong.

Follow me on my insta @hoslistic_earthling